Felecia Tanzosch 1978-1979
Jenny Nall 1979-1980
The restoration of the Wynne Russell house by local community effort was the LWC goal for 1978-1980. Club members donated 1600 hours scraping paint, repainting, washing walls and ceilings, removing wallpaper, tar, and linoleum, removing dirt used as insulation from the attic, locating period lumber, doors, windows, and hand-blown glass panes, finding bricks and other construction materials needed, identifying valuable plants and shrubbery, and donating equipment needed for these tasks. A Christmas Tour of Homes and Preview Party, Wishing Well, Boiled Peanut Sale, Rummage Sales, Run to Wynne Fun Run, and Old Lilburn Card Sale raised funds for this project. A community appeal emphasizing free enterprise ideals raised $1510. The total earned by the club for this project was $5249.00.
The club's participation in the GFWC FREE Program (Federation's Role in our Enterprise Economy) resulted in our first of 3 GFWC FREE Awards, placing third in nation and winning $2000. Jenny Nall, our FREE chairman, was the first club member to attend a GFWC convention which was held in St. Louis. The club awarded its first 2 Citizenship Awards to community members outside the club. The recipients were Louise Radloff and Beverly Ingram.
Other projects included: Octopuff and Kumquat anti-smoking program for over 2000 students, sponsoring a refugee family including transportation and support during the labor and delivery of a baby, supporting the Affiliate Artist Program, distributing 6500 dogwood trees for Arbor Day, sponsoring the first Lilburn student to attend the Hugh O'Brien Leadership Seminar. In 1978 Lilburn Daze Festival was on Indian Trail and was kicked off with a parade. A Pumpkin Decorating Contest was begun at the 1979 Lilburn Daze which was also the first held at Lilburn City Park.

Felicia Tanzosch

Nan Jackson

Janet Webster
Nan Jackson

Janet Webster

Karen Bradford & Faye Moore