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Diane Ellis 1994

Beginning in 1994, the club no longer worked in two-year programs of work. The CIP program changed and the club began to work with the plans of the president and executive board. The president was Diane Ellis.


The LWC had been meeting in the City annex, a house on the grounds of City Hall and the former Lilburn Public Library. The city of Lilburn offered the Annex building to the club in exchange for moving the building across the street and making it structurally sound. There were no guarantees the building would be usable and the maintenance was a foreseeable problem. In January, 1995, the club vacated the Annex.


The club began a beautification project for the streets and Lilburn Square. Efforts were begun for obtaining American flags for the city streets to honor veterans. LWC participated in flood relief for South Georgia victims, an Historical Grove for Lilburn Elementary School with trees and seedlings planted, and honoring Louise Radloff in a county-wide program.


Projects that were continued were: Adopt-a-Mile, SMILE, Child Abuse Prevention 'HAPY' dance, Games night for CURE, line dancing, Japanese cooking school, Walk for LIfe, the auction at Christmas, donation to VA Hospital, Hi-Hope, the high school, and collecting eye glasses.


A Lilburn officer, Michael Hester, was killed in the line of duty. LWC honored him with tree and plaque.


The Jean Beck Scholarship to honor a decreased former president, was established. $100 is given to 3 schools for student aid. It is an annual gift and there is a perpetual fund established. The school are Mountain Park Elementary, Lilburn Elementary, and Arcado Elementary.

Carol Mamay 1995

For the 1995-96 term, Carol Mamay served as president. Her emphasis was on beautification of the community and homes. The club began meeting in the City Hall meeting room. A By-Laws committee was appointed.


Some continuing projects were support of the New Beginnings Homes for drug dependent mothers, Operation SMILE, CURE, UNICEF, Battered Women's Shelter and Rape Crisis Center. There wasl also Christmas in July, Line Dancing and the American quilt. The club joined Friendship Force, and Supporters of the Shield. There were two scholarships awarded to Displaced Homemakers at Gwinnett Tech. The club worked with Vines Botanical Gardens and the library.


A child in Honduras was adopted. Lilburn Daze had a Fun Run the week before the Festival. The 'No Rain Date' rule was begun. A Habitrail at Arcado Elementary was begun. A video of the Club history was made.

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