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Jean Beck 1986-1987
Schan Brown 1987-1988

The well-being of Gwinnett's youth was our goal for 1986-1988. Support for the establishment of the Children's Shelter was a major emphasis. Our first Benefit Dance and Silent Auction was held in 1987 and the second in 1988. We also sponsored a Home Tour and Preview Party, held a Shelter Shower Benefit, presented programs and solicited, accepted and stored furniture donations, and hosted the Children's Shelter's Open House. This resulted in donations to the Shelter of $14,064.80. 


We also supported the Foster Parents dinner and provided funds for extracurricular activities and a clothes closet. We provided funding for after school transportation to the Gwinnett Boy's Club. We helped reorganize the Teen Help Line and provided them a home in the Annex. 


We sponsored a Home Tour to provide funds for teenage recreation. We provided 2 HOBY scholarships, 2 - $1000 scholarships for local students, and donated $500 to the Hi-Hope building fund.


In addition, LWC provided a $500 scholarship for a member to attend Leadership Gwinnett, participated in at GFWC convention workshop on FREE, provided 160 gifts for CURE, provided refreshments for WSB TV's political debates, assisted with Law Enforcement and Fireman's Appreciation Day, hosted a Mini Health Fair, began hosting the Hi-Hope's Christmas Party as an annual project, helped coordinate county wide Public Lands Day, and observed the Bicentennial of the US Constitution. 


Pat Swan was our 2nd member to serve as 9th District President.

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