Janet Barnett 1992
Faye Moore 1993
Our goal for 1992 - 1994 was to support FRAGILE FAMILIES. The Club donated over $24,000 to the community during these years in support of Families with Special Needs to increase their chance of having happy futures. The club built a partnership with the police, courts, schools, social services and direct care agencies. The club developed, funded, distributed 36,500 Family Violence Information Cards to law enforcement, criminal justice and social service agencies and the medical community. The club donated $5,272 to the Gwinnett Battered Women's Shelter; and $1.941 to the Children's Shelter and supplied lingerie, slippers and outerwear for teenagers. $1,000 was donated to the Rape Crisis Center to help fund clinic building so victims can be tested, treated, counseled under one roof. Emergency kits containing fresh clothing and personal items for victims were donated. Some Fragile Families need assistance to help make their life more enjoyable. A YMCA social activities program (HAPY) for disabled children and adults provided such an outlet. LWC members chaperoned the 'Kick-Off Dance' which began the HAPY program in Gwinnett. The club donated $1,500 for a laptop computer and software allowing program coordinators access to medical/emergency information while HAPY participants are on outings. To further provide assistance to the disabled, we purchased a DDT telephone system for Lilburn Police Department; donated $200 to CCI program which provides assistance dogs as companions; hosted the Hi-Hope Christmas Party. Displaced Homemakers/Single Mothers: we provided 2-$500 scholarships for Job Training at Gwinnett Tech; interview clothing; and eyeglasses for battered woman. The first Tour of Home to benefit the Jean Beck Memorial Trust Fund was held in 1992 providing assistance to school children in need. The Medically Fragile: we gave individual financial support; supported health care agencies such as CURE; helped organize a Cancer Society Tour of Homes. Families with Special Financial Needs: From our Charity Auction proceeds, we donated $2,200 and gave other assistance by collecting food/clothing for hungry/homeless; tornado victims; paid utility bills. We worked to remove language barriers for limited English-speaking residents by providing books and scholarships for students.
Other projects accomplished were: $3,000 donated which established an International Collection of Spanish and Korean selections at the local library, Scholarships for 15 International students to attend English Summer School; Establishment of a Habitrail at Lilburn Elementary, our partner school; Establishment of a $1,000 Historic Tree Grove; and Support for the CCI (Canine Companion) program.
In addition 1993, was the 20th anniversary of the Lilburn Woman's Club. Past presidents served on the planning committee. The celebration included production of a memory tape, a reunion luncheon which honored our remaining active Charter members: Doris Mann, Faye Moore and Sara Williamson, 4-panel Art Mural depicting the 20-year history of Lilburn created by local high school students, an up-dated history, and 48 trees ordered to be planted at the City Park honoring the 48 current members. The City of Lilburn recognized our club by donating a granite engraved bench to the city park. The Lilburn Daze Festival focused on our 20th Anniversary Celebration. Souvenir bags with the logo were given to participants. a balloon arch marked the entrance, and the Southern Rose Antique Fairground Organ welcomed over 20,000 visitors.
In the Spring of 1994, Diane Bronk will be installed as our third 9th District President and Pat Swan will be installed at our first GaFWC President